Joshua Lee

Partner at @DormRoomFund, Student at @Penn. Soon at @Facebook. Tweet for the job you want, not the one you have.

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Sharing from Discover

Today, Snapchat will start allowing users to annotate and send pieces of content from Discover to their friends. The update isn’t live as of writing this, but the company posted a “How To” guide in their SnapChannel.


When Snapchat launched Discover a few months ago, it tried to change what media was created by giving media companies full control over what was featured to users. With this update, Snapchat is trying to influence how media is shared - privately to a friend, not publicly to a feed. While I’m a fan of Buzzfeed as a company, it’s not a coincidence that they aren’t a Snapchat partner.

I don’t expect this update to have an immense, immediate impact on user behavior, but it’s an indicator of where the company is going.

To start, this is the first time Snapchat is overlaying actions onto photos. It’s a big step and only the beginning. In the screenshot above, imagine the...

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Live Video and Teleportation: The Snapchat Story

Over the past couple weeks, VCs and analysts have been lauding the immersive and teleportive nature of Meerkat’s live streaming. While I don’t disagree with their analyses, I find their reactions fascinating, as they are repeating almost the exact things that students have been saying about Snapchat, and specifically it’s ‘Our Stories’ product, for a while.

This disconnect shouldn’t be surprising. In-depth analysis of Snapchat is consistently sparse, most likely due to the demographic gap between its most avid users and the thought leaders of technology. But this one-sided, echo chamber is a disservice to anyone interested the future of technology, as it is simply not possible to have a conversation about Meerkat and live video without truly understanding Snapchat and its product philosophies.

Our Stories

A Snapchat ‘Our Story’ is a curated collection of photos and videos from a...

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The Messaging Layer

Semil Shah wrote an interesting post last night on the tiers of the “on-demand stack”. At the bottom is Labor - the TaskRabbits, the Uber drivers, the Instacarters. At the top are the Applications - the branded, closed experiences that have always been a company’s touchpoint with its customers.

Yet it seems that there might be a push to add another, thin but expansive, layer on top - a messaging layer. And while this layer may begin with on-demand services, it’s hard to imagine where it could end.

For example, if you haven’t already, check out this cool project, Magic. With Magic, instead of opening Postmates to order dinner, Drizly to get some booze, or BloomThat to get flowers, I simply type, “Order my favorite Chipotle burrito”, “I need a twelve-pack”, or “Send flowers to my girlfriend”. And then, voila, the layer connects to the relevant service and places my order.

Yet, as cool...

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